Thank you for your willingness to serve as a preceptor for students in the Iowa State University Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics (MPPD) program. This section offers:

  • key information about your role during the application process,
  • your role during supervised experiential learning,
  • your free online program orientation, and
  • continuing education credits just for you. 

handbook for preceptors and a list of questions frequently asked by preceptors related to the MPPD are available.

Preceptor Role During the Program

The MPPD is a 12-month program. Potential applicants are required to get commitment letters from future preceptors.

  • We require evidence from the applicant that you are willing to serve as a preceptor and what specific dates in the semester work for you (if you cannot mentor a student for the entire semester).
    • Please provide each applicant with a commitment letter (an email will suffice) confirming your willingness to serve as their preceptor. If needed, you may include a statement that this commitment is conditional upon specific requirements of the facility being met. The applicant must include a copy of your letter with their application materials.

All supervised experiential learning appointments are tentative until an Affiliation Agreement is completed and signed by both the facility and the University.

We have also provided some examples of what to cover prior to and on the first day of orientation with a student: Student Orientation Checklist

You, as the preceptor, are asked to:

  • Provide supervised experiential learning opportunities for the intern;
  • Allow the student to shadow and observe you; then—
  • Supervise the student as they perform as much of your duties as possible;
  • Co-sign the student’s notes and recommendations; and
  • Also, we require that the student complete a weekly “log” that proves the number of hours, conditions and populations encountered by the student that week.
  • Complete various evaluation forms on the student’s work and professional behavior. Evaluations are completed online and the student will provide you with the link to that Qualtrics form. If desired, preceptors are encouraged to contact the student’s assigned MPP faculty to provide feedback on the student’s progress via email or phone.


For accreditation purposes, we are required to keep the following information on file:

  • Preceptor resumé or CV: If the student you agreed to mentor is admitted to our program, we will contact you for your resumé or CV if we do not already have one on file.
  • Affiliation agreement: Before the student can start their rotation at your facility, we must have an affiliation agreement in place.  We will contact your facility after students have been accepted in our program to begin this process if we do not currently have an active affiliation agreement. 


ISU MPPD faculty are responsible for developing the curriculum to ensure each student meets the Graduate ACEND competencies. However, the required projects and assignments can be individualized to best meet the needs of your student and your facility and meet ACEND® competencies.