Alumni of the Dietetic Internship Program

The Graduate Certificate Dietetic Internship Program that you graduated from has been reorganized into a future education model program. We have combined the dietetic internship with the Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics program to train future Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. We enrolled our first class of this integrated program in Fall 2021. 

General information for you: 

Reach out to us at, if 

  • You misplaced your paper or electronic verification statement that was provided to you upon completion of program requirements, and need another copy of your verification statement.
  • Future employers or credentialing agencies requesting verification of your internship dates.

We would love to hear about your future professional accomplishments and awards. Keep us posted at

MPPD Alumni

General information for you: 

  • Your degree initials are MPPD
  • Your Major is: Professional Practice in Dietetics
  • If you or your future employer need verification of your degree, you will need to forward the request to the Registrar’s office at
  • If you misplaced the electronic verification statement that was provided to you upon completion of program requirements, please reach out to us at
  • We would love to hear about your future professional accomplishments and awards. Keep us posted at

Undergraduate Program Alumni

General information for you:

  • If you misplaced the paper or electronic verification statement that was provided to you upon completion of the program, please reach out to the DPD Director at
  • We would love to hear about your future professional accomplishments and awards. Keep us posted at